UNKNOWN ASIA2021閉幕しました
UNKNOWN ASIA2021終了しました。


レビュアー賞に、FM802DJの大抜卓人賞をいただきました!とても嬉しくて興奮してしまいました。なんてったって、毎日聴いてるTACTY IN THE MORNINGの大抜卓人さんからいただいたんですよっ!


女性が活躍する世界を創りたい SDGs17の目標のカラーのドレス

The UNKNOWN ASIA 2021 has come to a close.This was my first time to participate in an art fair since I became independent on September 1, 2021.
It was very hard work, but I gained a lot more than that, and it was a fulfilling three days.
It was a very enjoyable three days, with many people looking at my work, giving me various impressions and opinions, interacting with other artists, and being inspired by the exhibition.
Now that I have decided to make art my career, I don’t want my work to be self-indulgent.So it was a great benefit to hear various opinions from people with different sensibilities.I got some great tips for my future work!
For the reviewer’s award, I received the FM802 DJ Takuto Onuki award!I was very happy and excited.After all, it was given to me by Takuto Onuki of TACTY IN THE MORNING, who I listen to every day!
To make me even happier, I sold my work.He liked the work at first sight and decided to buy it on impulse.I was very impressed with this work because it was one of the most meaningful artworks exhibited this time, involving the SDGs.
The art masks that I designed by trimming some of the artwork were also very popular, and I was happy that they were sold more than I had imagined.
I’m still in a state of excitement after a long night, and I’m determined to keep up my vigorous work!