帰国後、米国人壁画家Hugue Roger Matheiu氏に師事し、アカデミーアートの基礎を学ぶ。
Masa Mode Academy研究科、CYD卒業。
そこへ、Hugue Roger Matheiu氏から受け継いだアカデミックな芸術を取り入れて、作品を制作しています。

My background is in graphic arts:painting,drawing,design,and fashion illustration.
I studied academic art and was mentored by the artist Hugue Roger Matheiu.
I combine fashion illustration with the academic art to create my work.
I use women, nature and flowers as motifs, the themes are elegance, mode, luxury and natural.
I use pencil to express detail, while I use traditional Japanese calligraphy ink and brushes to create bold strokes and watercolor blotches, letting nature take its course.
I combine such contradictions and bring them together in my art work.
I love creating art that not only “looks” but also “feels”, art that excites and impacts you when you look it, and art that makes people happy.